
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Brews set to once again flow on the Bricks this spring
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcsat, Downtown Hays Development Corporation executive director Sara Bloom and director of events and operations Allie Glidewell, share information about the 2022 Brews on the Bricks.

Friday Feb 25, 2022
Weekend Setlist Feb. 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
On this episode of the Weekend Setlist host Jeffery Leiker details events around the Hays area this weekend.

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
USD 489 prepares for Kindergarten Roundup
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Wilson Elementary principal Anita Schieve talks about the upcoming USD 489 Kindergarten Roundup.

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
489 readies for Kindergarten Round-up
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Roosevelt Elementary School principal Keri Petersen shares information about this year's Kindergarten Round-up.

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Student led conferences planned at Hays Middle School
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Hays Middle School principal Tom Albers shares information about this weeks parent-teacher conferences.

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Icon of Hays’ past to become beacon for the future
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, TreeTop Security owner, Dallas Hasselhorst stops by to share his vision for the former home of the Hays Daily after purchasing the building in 2021.

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Enticing workforce back to the market relies on diverse factors
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams discusses workforce shortages in the area.

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Cabbage consumption can beneficial to health
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Glen McNeil shares information about the health benefits of cabbage.

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Weekend Setlist Feb. 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
On this episode of the Weekend Setlist host Jeffery Leiker details events around the Hays area this weekend.

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Forward Ever: USD 489 BOE president Tammy Wellbrock
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
On this episode of Forward Ever: Leading in Challenging Times host Gary Shorman speaks with Hays USD 489 Board of Education president Tammy Wellbrock.

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Hays Chamber works to create stronger community through networking
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Hays Chamber and CEO Sarah Wasinger, along with intern Reece Leiker, shares ways the chamber works to connect the community.

Friday Feb 11, 2022
The Alumni Association plans MIAA Tourney meet up in KC
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Noelle Husmann, Fort Hays State University Alumni Association marketing program specialist along with alumni engagement strategist, Carolyn Tatro share information about upcoming association activities.

Friday Feb 11, 2022
Imagine Ellis County town hall provides insight into county’s future
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams stops by to recap the February 2022 Imagine Ellis County Town Hall meeting.

Friday Feb 11, 2022
Ellis Co. Historical Society eyes past while planning for the future
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Ellis County Historical Society interim director Amanda Rupp stops by to share updates from the society.

Friday Feb 11, 2022
Weekend Setlist Feb. 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
On this episode of the Weekend Setlist host Jeffery Leiker details events around the Hays area this weekend.

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Healing Kids’ Hearts retreat returns for 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Center for Life Experiences executive director Ann Leiker shares information about the upcoming Healing Kids' Hearts retreat.

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Forward Ever: BCBS of Kansas president and CEO Matt All
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
On this episode of Forward Ever: Leading in Challenging Times host Gary Shorman speaks with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas president and CEO Matt All.

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
New program extends FHSU student benefits to Hays Academy of Hair Design
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Fort Hays State University associate vice president for Student Affairs Dennis King and Hays Academy of Hair Desgin owner Len Melvin stop by to share information about their new partnership program.

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Internship programs benefit area business; education
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Hays Chamber president and CEO Sarah Wasinger talk about internships with the chamber's Fort Hays State University, Dane G. Hansen Foundation intern Avary Huff.
James Bell
Internships can be valuable for both businesses and students. Hayes chamber president and CEO Sarah Wasinger along with their Fort Hays State University, Dane G. Hansen, intern Avary Huff stopped by to talk to us a little bit about internships and Avery's experience that the Hays Chamber on this episode of the post podcast.
Sarah Wasinger
Oh, you had a pretty unique place that you came from before you join our chamber. Do you want to talk a little bit about your experience last semester before we jump into some other things?
Avary Huff
Sure, Sara. So last semester, I was actually studying abroad in Spain. Wow. I was there from the end of August to the middle of January. And I really got to learn about tourism in Spain since that is my major. I was really putting it into that real word world perspective, and also working on my Spanish. So had a blast over there.
James Bell
I mentioned it's hard to not have a good time hanging out in Europe.
Sarah Wasinger
Yeah, absolutely. A lot of good fish. I wouldn't call the fried sardines. Good fish. But we talked a little bit about that. Like, what was the weirdest thing she ate the definitely the best food over there.
James Bell
I think you may have been going to the wrong restaurants, just fried sardines. But that's very cool. That's very cool. Um, so yeah, you're over here at the chamber. Now, what does an intern do at the chamber.
Avary Huff
So I've only been there for a couple of weeks now. But I've been helping with all the events that have been going on, and just really getting out into the community, whatever's on the calendar for the day, I'm there to help and figure out how I can be best assistance in the office as well.
Sarah Wasinger
So for in another thing that we did, because it's kind of the beginning of the year. So obviously, our board financial reports are approved a month delayed. So Avery even got to experience creating the month by month budget report with me this last week to Yes, we did was very exciting.
Avary Huff
Um, it wasn't the most exciting event I've worked on. But it was definitely a learning experience.
Sarah Wasinger
But we tried to give Avery the opportunity to really witness the gamut of what goes on at the chamber. So obviously, yes, events are a very big part of what we do to feature businesses, but really giving her some ability. The big part of her job will actually start here very soon, because we're going to start preparing for our golf tournament, which is our biggest fundraiser of the year. And that might be a good segue to the question that we were just talking about in the car. What was one of the things that surprised you the most about your last couple of weeks at the chamber?
Avary Huff
Um, there are two things. So the first thing that surprised me is that most of the Chamber's budget does come from dues. So based on dues from members joining, that's how we're able to host events throughout the year, and then also the fast paced environment that happens at the chamber. I don't think I didn't realize that I wouldn't just be working in an office all day. You're really getting out into the community. There's always something going on 24/7
James Bell
Absolutely it sir about that all the time. You guys are always always out in the community almost every day. There's an event that you guys are at, or asmuch running around us.
Sarah Wasinger
I do you think I'd be you know, like a slice for life goals right there. So I just need to go see one of my members to workout.
James Bell
And we've got some new, we've got some new workout options coming up from what I understand as well do we do I'm sure that I'm well, I'm not sure. But I'm imagine that those new ones are going to be Chamber members as well. We have a meeting with them. Okay. Well, now I've jinxed it.
Sarah Wasinger
We'll talk about that when it happens. There you go, there you go. But one of the things that is very important to you that I think a lot of people don't, maybe they have some trepidation for being in a business that has a intern, it doesn't really take a lot of energy, the biggest thing is to make sure you're incorporating them into the day to day, give them a variety of ways that they can be involved. And I think so many times people are like, well, maybe I just don't have time to bring that person along. But Avery, I think has some information to share just based on her experience so far, but this is not your first internship.
James Bell
Is that right?
Avary Huff
No, it's my third. Okay. Wow.
Sarah Wasinger
So why do you recommend internships to students and businesses.
Avary Huff
Um, for students, I would definitely recommend internships because it's a lot different from the knowledge you're learning in the classroom, you actually get to go out and apply it and see how it might not be exactly the same as what you have learned from your professors. So you really just get that real world application of those topics. And you get to learn all those skills to make you more marketable as a student looking for jobs once you graduate. So that's really exciting for this internship opportunity. And then as for the business side of things, I would recommend internships for businesses, because not only are you investing in members of your community, and growing their skill sets, but you're also getting another extra helping hand so they'll help increase your employee productivity throughout the day. And then you really just get to have a fresh new perspective on things because interns are usually students, so they're exposed to different things. They're not in the workforce. So they have different outlooks on things and can definitely bring new ideas to your business.
James Bell
Yeah, and you know what, over the years, I've had some different roles where I've worked with interns, and one of the things that just to speak to that a little bit, one of the things I love is when they bring in like the latest in, because you're in the classroom, you're hearing the latest in academic research in your field, whatever the field might be, and you're now able to bring that directly to a business owner. I mean, that's a resource that they probably don't have time for otherwise.
Avary Huff
Exactly. Exactly. It's a fresh perspective. And it's a real asset, because they are learning that information. It's fresh on top of their mind, and they're able to apply it at your business.
Sarah Wasinger
And specifically speaking about the Dane G. Hanson program, I think that a lot of people forget how affordable it is for the business. It's a $500 investment for about 240 hours. Yeah, 240 hours. So I mean, if you do the math, I mean, I think James is trying to do the math.
James Bell
I came up with a four nine or something, I couldn't do the math, talk either. But no, that that is that's an incredible amount of help and support, you can get $400 That's a pretty good price. And you know, it's a win win. I you know, I mean, I love the Win Win Win situations. And this sounds like exactly.
Sarah Wasinger
And I do have to speak to the fact that when we interview, so each business gets the opportunity to interview, you know, anywhere between four to five students. And each of the students that we interviewed as a chamber staff, we were just blown away from so I mean, you're talking about, you know, the cream of the crop when you're looking at the Dean Johansen interns. So you're getting someone who's already essentially pre vetted by Fort Hays, they know the caliber of the students that are putting into that program. And so it is, you know, kind of like hiring that hidden gem, because you're getting that opportunity to have that fresh perspective that Avery was talking about. But also just, you know, some extra hands on the ground. Yeah. And what better way to give back to a student who might want to find a job in Hays because they love it so much, you know, so it, it can help us build our workforce.
James Bell
Exactly. You know, that I was gonna say that was one of the topics that was discussed last night was keep retaining people here. And what a great way to do it. You know, I imagine like if we got somebody here at Eagle radio, and they they enjoy the position, and then a position is open, like, if that's an obvious choice, and then we know we're not losing them to Denver or Kansas City or salon or wherever.
Sarah Wasinger
James Bell
Very cool. Well, you know, I just I'm curious, is it just college kids that come through Fort Hays for this program, they don't look for any the high school. So it's it's a imagine you have to be at least a second year college kid to be able to apply? Apply them.
Avary Huff
Right. So the internships are open to all the Fort Hays students. I'm not sure if you're able to do it your first year, maybe the second semester of your first year. But other than that they're open for all the students to apply for.
Sarah Wasinger
And we do also have a haste High School intern Reese liker that we have at the Chamber currently right now too. So I know there are high school opportunities for students. And I think those are usually reserved for seniors as well, since they have a more flexible schedule. But um, yeah, definitely. If you're a business and you have questions, we would be happy to answer those for you. And I know I'm Career Services at Fort Hays State University, obviously would welcome phone calls to learn more about the program.
James Bell
Very cool. Very cool. Well, before we run out of time, sir, we probably should talk about the events going on this week, because you've got a number of things going on. Again, as usual,
Sarah Wasinger
We do. So, our HYP Advisory Council retreat will be this week, Thursday at 5:15pm at the Welcome Center. And Friday, we are very excited. Speaking of Fort Hays State University, our chamber chat will be the tiger gear on Friday, that will be at 9am. At Professor sandwich shop and more, we do have it under good authority that they're going to be drawing for some sweet Tiger gear that day. So you might want to wear your Tiger Gear to that one, as well as just maybe be ready to get a new cool new shirt or something.
James Bell
I love Tiger gear. I need you not to
Sarah Wasinger
We bleed black and gold. Exactly. It's I mean, it might be scary in the medical professions. You know,
James Bell
There's such a vital part of the community and what a cool program to help that, you know, connection.
Sarah Wasinger
Absolutely. And we would be remiss to not remind a few people that chamber checks are always on sale at the chamber. And Valentine's Day is just around the corner. So if you don't know the right gift to get your sweetheart, they can be spent at nearly 500 locations in Ellis counties. So it's not a bad idea. Yeah,
James Bell
There's some beautiful spots downtown. Well, there'd be the spots all over Ross County. But yeah,
Sarah Wasinger
James Bell
When I'm let them pick the gift that they want. That's right, I found that that is usually just the easiest thing to do.
Sarah Wasinger
Stay out of the doghouse by a chamber check. or multiple again, another win win win. That's my man. And then the only other thing we really wanted to share was congratulations to our USD 489 School Board for their approval of the bond issue to be put on the ballot in May, our chamber is actually going to be hosting two different opportunities this month specifically, to give folks the opportunity to learn more about what will be included in the bond issue. So superintendent Ron Wilson will actually speak to our HIV connection lunch group on February 15, at noon at thirsties. HIV members if you have not signed up for that lunch yet, please do so today if possible, and then February membership lunch will be February 25 at Rose Garden banquet hall and catering and that was sponsored by Golden Belt Bank and he'll be speaking at noon as well. So definitely make sure that you come ready to learn and he'll be able to ask questions or answer questions.

Monday Feb 07, 2022
Planning underway for Hays Arts Council’s Spring Art Walk
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Hays Arts Council executive director Brenda Meder shares the latest from the Arts Center.

Hays radio - online
The Post Podcast, now in its third year, began as a way to disseminate radio interviews from the Eagle Morning Show on 94.3 FM/1400 AM KAYS.
Today it has grown into its own product, featuring local and regional government officials, business leaders and interesting stories from Ellis County and beyond.
New episodes are released every weekday, following the Eagle Morning Show on KAYS from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Find and follow us on social media and Hays Post.
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